Early November Surprise

Wow, doesn't that offend you? They must really think you and me are just a bunch of brainless - idiotic - deficient - half-baked - nonsensical - obtuse - thick-headed - dense - dopy - gullible - losers. (thesaurus: stupid) Apparently they think we're ALL as stupid as they think their conservative christian base is. Hey, I didn't say it... THEY DID.
Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging for crimes against humanity for the killings of innocent Shia villagers in 1982. So why is Donald Rumsfeld shaking his hand in 1983?
From the National Security Archive:
Washington, D.C., 25 February 2003 - The National Security Archive at George Washington University today published on the Web a series of declassified U.S. documents detailing the U.S. embrace of Saddam Hussein in the early 1980's, including the renewal of diplomatic relations that had been suspended since 1967. The documents show that during this period of renewed U.S. support for Saddam, he had invaded his neighbor (Iran), had long-range nuclear aspirations that would "probably" include "an eventual nuclear weapon capability," harbored known terrorists in Baghdad, abused the human rights of his citizens, and possessed and used chemical weapons on Iranians and his own people. The U.S. response was to renew ties, to provide intelligence and aid to ensure Iraq would not be defeated by Iran, and to send a high-level presidential envoy named Donald Rumsfeld to shake hands with Saddam (20 December
I hate flip-floppers.
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