Bill O'Reilly Is Right!
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Watch O'Reilly bitch and whine about Soros last night on his show here
It's all Soros all the time for O'Reilly. Didn't Soros push Bush to invade Iraq? Wasn't it Soros that funded Gitmo? And I believe Soros coached Alberto Gonzales before he testified last week…George wants to buy AMERICA! Poor Joe Lieberman…
Could Bill O'Reilly be any more insane, any more disconnected from reality, any more shameless? I'm not positive, but I know for damn sure that he couldn't be any more STUPID. He fills up his program with vicious attacks on people whenever they expose his lying liar ways, that's The O'Reilly Factor in a nutshell.
Soros funds Moveon.... guess what? I FUND MoveOn (and if I had a billion dollars to giveaway I'd give them that too)! Soros funds Media Matters... Media Matters simply repeats the maniacal things that Billo says on a daily basis and posts video of his show, using his own words and the most credible sources to discredit the vile propaganda that he spews.
You see Bill, the thing that you're talking into everyday is called a VIDEO CAMERA... Video camera's record things that you say and broadcast your opinions to millions of people nightly in primetime television. Your stupid opinions (really, they're stupid) form in your head, come out of your mouth, and are picked up by MICROPHONES that record them on video tapes that can than be played back. Get it?
If your looking for people with too much influence, the first man on your hit list ought to be your own boss. Rupert Murdoch controls and owns one of the biggest media empires in the world, News Corp. News Corp owns 37 newspapers and 35 magazines around the world, 14 of your basic cable channels on your tv here in the US, 13 major websites including MySpace, 13 broadcast channels globally, and 20th Century Fox, including over 15 different film studios and of course, Fox News... Bill O'Reilly's employer. Hmmm, I wonder who has more influence.... The conservative with half the media in his pocket, or the liberal who funds (and does not control) the media watchdog website?
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