Spirituality Demonstrated Defined
Spirituality: An inner sense of something greater than oneself. Recognition of a meaning to existence that transcends one's immediate circumstances.
This in no way is suppose to represent the beliefs of any particular religion or doctrine. Spirituality is extremely personal and different from person to person. It's all what you make of it. But as a whole:

Politics is our spirituality, demonstrated
Economics is our spirituality, demonstrated
Education is our spirituality, demonstrated
Relationships are our spirituality, demonstrated
Sexuality is our spirituality, demonstrated
Your life is your spirituality, demonstrated
Our spirituality is what we say and know in our hearts to be true. It is what we think of the divine, and how we try to emulate that. It is our intent and our hope for a better world. If your intention is to get to Los Angelos and your headed east towards New York, your obviously going in the wrong direction. Most of us agree that the direction in which we want to head is a world that lives in peace, harmony, equality and happiness. If you know anything about the world we live in, thats just not the case. This isn't a matter of what is "right" or "wrong". When we say we want to get somewhere, and were headed in the opposite direction, our map is most likely upside down. The system doesn't work. War doesn't work. Government and politics do not represent the wants and needs of ordinary citizens. We've seen this time and time again. Once everyone stops and recognizes that, we can then move on and try to fix what's "broke". Awareness is the first step in change. This website is devoted to awareness. I don't have any "answers", just suggestions and ideas. This isn't self righteous... this is a BLOG, you can put in all the opinions you want by the click of your mouse.
-- scientists have predicted that in this image alone, there could be as many as 50 Million Galaxies. There are roughly 100 Billion stars in our Milky Way. If that doesn't put things into perspective, nothing will.
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