Monday, November 06, 2006

Treehouse of Horror XVII

On the 17th annual Treehouse of Horror Simpsons episode tonight, in one of the final stories, two re-occuring alien characters called Kudos and Kang brilliantly parodied the politics behind the war in Iraq. Three years after having invaded earth, Kang and Kudos discuss the fiasco that they've gotten themselves into.
Kudos: You're report Kang?

Kang: Uh, well the earthlings continue to resent our presence..(bomb goes off in distance)... You said we'd be greeted as liberators!

Kudos: Don't worry, we still have the people's hearts and minds. (holds up a heart and mind)

Kang: I don't know... I'm starting to think that Operation Enduring Occupation was a BAD IDEA!

Kudos: We had to invade! They were working on Weapons of Mass Disintegration!

Kang: Sure they were!....
Watch it here


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