Friday, December 07, 2007

Al Franken, Veterans for Franken Rally

"I don't pretend to know what it's like to face hostile fire. To leave my family for an uncertain fate. To lose friends on the battlefield. All I do is tell a few jokes, and go home. It's a pretty good gig... No matter what you think of our foreign policy, to cut veterans health care, to cut funding for the VA, to cut funding for mental health care, to cut funding for research into Traumatic Brain Injury (the signature wound of this war), to allow Walter Reed to fall into decay and disrepair... that is a failure of our responsiblity to those who took responsibility for us. When I'm in the United States Senate I will not forget what our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen have done, and I won't forget what they have earned. And I will fight everyday to make sure we honor our commitment to them."

"I will fight to make sure that we fully fund the VA budget in 2009, in 2010, in 2011... each and every year so that every veteran, EVERY VETERAN, can have quality mental, physical, and long-term care FOR LIFE."

--Al Franken is the real deal. This may turn into a full-time endorsement for Franken's campaign. I've been planning on volunteering for his Senate run in '08, and hopefully will get started on that as soon as Christmas break starts and finals are over. Al deserves your support, 'cuz he's good enough, smart enough, and gall darnit, people like him. Plus, anyone's better than that Bush Administration lapdog and opportunist, Norm Coleman. Watch the whole video. You will never see a traditional politician be more genuine than Al.


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