Islamofascism! Awareness Week

Apparently what us lefties are suppose to become aware of during Islamofascism Awareness Week is that in order to stop the next terrorist attack from happening on American soil, we need to stop talking about the worst foreign policy disaster in our history, we need to shut up about global warming, we need to stop pointing out the fact that the actual definition of fascism involves extreme nationalism and corporatism (two key aspects missing in terrorist organizations), we need to shut up about outsourcing torture, stop caring about the body count of half a million people in Iraq, and we need to support the extra $46 billion (with a B) in spending on Iraq, while spending $0 on our own children's health care (that's 0 with a Z). This, all according to David Horowitz. (That's Douchebag with a giant D)
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." -- Ann Coulter, partner in peddling hatred for Muslim people
Great plan Ann.
Awareness weeks/months are usually used to raise awareness for things like breast cancer, black history, and alzheimer's aren't they? Learn more about Horowitz and his hatred for everything and everyone, by clicking on his name in the link above.
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