4/21 Rant
Sometimes I just have so much built up that I need to get it all out in one good rant. Here's my rant for the day:
If the corporation Exxon Mobile owned the sun, they'd charge us for a tan. The only reason wind, solar, wave and hydrogen energy technologies haven't worked is because capitalism hasn't figured out a way of making money off of saving the planet yet.

$150,000 a day, 400 million dollar retirement package for ONE PERSON. Lee Raymond, no matter how much you outsmart and steal from the american consumer, you will still be the ugliest mother f*$#%@ I have ever seen in my life.
Iraq -- 10 billion of your future kid's money a month. Cross your fingers... it might hit a trillion in a couple more years.
Bush: "If There Is A Leak Out Of My Administration, I Want To Know Who It Is. And If The Person Has Violated Law, The Person Will Be Taken Care Of..." [9/30/03]
Scooter Libby: Bush OKed Leaking Classified Info... [4/5/06]http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/04/06/news/leak.php--looks like bush is going to have to fire himself if he's really "a man of his word" like he says he is. I've known this guy was a sneaky little rat as soon as he was nominated for the presidency in 1999 by the GOP. (the stolen executive didn't help his image much either)... Karl Rove cannot be trusted; him and Tom Delay play the exact same politics of deception and manipulation. As far as I'm concerned Karl Rove, George Bush and Dick Cheney are the real 'Axis of Evil' that threatens this country.
Top NASA Climate Scientist: "the most productive scientist in the world"--WH Rewriting the Science cuz you can't handle the truth! Watch the short 60 Mins. video."
"In my more than three decades in the government I've never witnessed such restrictions on the ability of scientists to communicate with the public." -James Hansen
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