Faux News: 'Liberal Media' Buries Good Stories

Fox News will tell you all the good stories coming out of Iraq, like schools opening and civilians voting for the first time.... but notice the stories they focus on here at home: Child pornography, gay marraige, serial killers, abortion, religious intolerance, every single possible wedge issue they can come up with, specifically aimed at dividing the American people. At the same time ignoring anything that might make the republican leadership look bad, i.e. incompetence, cronyism, lies, and corruption in it's most evil forms. You get the idea.
If they can cherry pick great sounding stories straight out of a country that averages 60 killings a day (not including military casualties because the american military "doesn't do body counts"), is ravaged by civil war, and can't pull a unified government together, than why can't they say anything good about what's happening here? Thats the double standard on the "Fair and Balanced" channel, hypocracy at it's worst. They blame the rest of the media for showing the reality of a situation in a war torn country, and then only talk about the bad things happening here in our own. I used to write polite emails to fox news and bill o'reilly, but they blocked all my email addresses after only two messages each.
The beauty about Fox News is that they pass off 24 hour Republican Opinion as actual journalism. The idea is genius, and at the same time extremely easy to understand: You put loud, entertaining pundits in front of a backdrop of american flags, constantly flash the patriotic colors of red white and blue, and repeatedly remind your audience that they're watching the "Fair and Balanced Network... Where We Report and You Decide". This combination of subliminal messages allows them to say just about anything they want to and get away with it, while looking "patriotic" in the process. I don't know whether I should admire them for their cunning propoganda, or vomit uncontrollably in disgust.
If you think Fox News is balanced, do a little personal research. Watch Hannity and Colmes; notice how strong and opinionated Mr. Hannity is, and then notice how weak and squirly his "liberal counterpart", Colmes is. I put that in quotations because Colmes agrees with half the crazy things that spew out of the jerk's mouth. Hannity mentions 9/11 100 times a day on his show in order to manipulate peoples emotions. He misinforms the public while preying on American sorrow and paranoia.
One claim that FNC states daily is that they have just as many liberal commentators as conservative ones. It's owner, Rupert Murdoch defends this claim by saying that 'its in the eyes of the beholder'. In Murdoch's mind, even moderate right-wingers are "liberal". Sure they might have some liberal commentators, but they're always nobodys. You look at the conservative lineup and you'll see all of the big guys, newt gingrich, the prez, dick, condi, rumsfeld, ann coulter (my personal favorite) and so on...
So called liberal commentators on the network also know that to challenge the host too much is dangerous and usually leads to the network dropping you and not coughing up that weekly check. It's well known by everyone in the business that Fox News is ultra right wing and they don't tolerate any opinion that disagrees with the neocon ideology.
Fortunately, the Fox audience is dwindling while the President's poll numbers continue to plummet. It looks like Faux News may not have entirely succeeded in destroying respectable journalism as we know it.
--- bill o'reilly is my sworn enemy
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