Political Insanity

These guys are seriously trying really hard to bankrupt our nation’s treasury. Republicans will not stop giving away money to the super duper uber-rich that they don’t have (because we have a 460 billion dollar deficit with a ten trillion dollar cap) while screwing the middle class and the majority of their own voters. We have got to stop this myth about the trickle down effect. It has never worked in the entire economic history of the United States. I’m a college student and I get nothing. Here are the facts about the latest tax cuts that were just passed by the House of Representatives, the Senate and Dubya who has never vetoed one bill in the history of his presidency:
--A person who makes a million dollars a year gets an extra $41,977 on top of the overall 7 percent cut in income taxes that they’ve received over the last 6 years.
--A person who makes $41,977 a year gets $46… Enough to fill up your gas tank.
--The Republicans decided to drop a provision that would allow college students to get deductions for tuition costs.
--The bill gives oil companies (with record breaking profits) a tax break of 4.3 billion dollars.
"We're on the side of the taxpayers," said Sen. George Allen, Republican from Virginia, who is up for reelection. "They're (the Democrats) on the side of the tax spenders."
Right… cut taxes while putting the American people in further and further debt by spending their money more and more and more. Federal spending hasn’t been this high since World War II. Spending hasn’t increased at a higher rate since the Nixon administration. This march, federal spending hit 250 billion, resulting in a 85.5 billion dollar deficit for the month.
Independent Institute: Federal Spending
MSNBC: Spending Hits Record High
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,191532,00.html --very short story about record spending; two paragraphs. Wonder why…
Democrats are for tax cuts too, but not for people WHO DON’T NEED THEM. Oh that’s great, all the millionaire’s get enough money back to buy another Jaguar for their collection… What would they do without all that money to spend? God forbid! Children are starving and people are dying but the rich absolutely need more and more. Why? I just don’t understand…
Senate Votes to Pass Tax Cuts
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