Get Your A*# Up and VOTE!

I won't bore you with too many cliches... Just one. Remember this today:
Millions and millions of people have fought and died in the past in order to PROVE that Democracy could work... In order to prove that a government based on the ideals of it's own populace was not only a good idea but the BEST idea in order to ensure the survival of a society.
If you decide to skip out on the elections today, you're turning your back on those souls who gave their lives so that you could live in a free country and carry on an easy life without fear of persecution. That's not just wrong, it's immoral. It only happens every two years, so get up off your fat butt and walk a couple blocks to your nearest polling station to participate in the democracy that helped to give you such a fortunate and easy life, here in the greatest nation in the world.
I won't tell you who to vote for (because I've been doing that since last March and I think you know where I stand by now)... but I will say this; You must be a narcissist if you vote for you-know-who after reading any of these posts that I picked out from the last 8 months and that I'm personally proud of.
The Republican Neurological Disorder Promotion Act-- how republicans passed environmental laws that allowed plants to pump even more mercury into the air than before! (in the face of better and more efficient technology that was proved to be able to cut emissions by up to 95% in some cases)
Safer My A#*-- How the "war on terrorism" (enduring occupation in iraq) is increasing the hostility towards us from people around the world and has led to exponential increases in the recruitment of terrorists.
The Douche Administration Part 1-- How George W. Bush's administration deliberately ignored intelligence from the CIA that showed Iraq DID NOT have "weapons of mass destruction" before we invaded it and that they DID NOT have a direct or even somewhat freindly line of communication with terrorists.
Why Does Habeas Corpus Hate America?-- How one of the oldest foundations for democracy and individual freedoms has been scrapped by Bush and the GOP just so they can continue scaring the crap out of you before the midterm elections.
Words of Wisdom: Barack Obama; Politics of Hope (Not Fear)-- the end of Barack's book before the latest. Very good read.
Somebody Get This Man A Straightjacket-- Focusing on how Bush has become a raving lunatic when it comes to his idea of homeland security. Also: the neo-con idea of "fiscal restraint".
Ocean Acidity-- How the acidity of our oceans is rising at an alarming rate, as they absorb the added CO2 in the air... and what will happen if we continue to do nothing about it.
Mother Nature vs. Unregulated Capitalism Part 1-- General rant on how important it is to regulate industry in light of our changing global climate. GOP won't do anything that hurts the wallets of the richest 1% of americans.
Dear Mr. President; In With God’s Word, Out With the Constitution-- How the GOP only focuses on how bad gay marriage is and completely ignores these gems in the old testament of the bible, like: staying away from a woman while she's on her period, working on the sabbath, eating shellfish (seriously), not being allowed to attend church if you have poor sight, EVER allowing anyone to cut your hair (expressly forbidden in Leviticus), and touching the skin of a dead pig (playing football).
4/21 Rant-- How oil companies are making record gross profits AND getting record high tax breaks from the government, and how the BA (bush administration) continually censored and edited climate reports from NASA that supported the existence of global warming.
Dirty Tricks and the 2000 Election-- How Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush actively disenfranchised black voters in the state of Florida and cost Al Gore the election in 2000.
Remembering and Reminding-- Remembering September 11th and reminding Christians of the basic tenets of their spirituality: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
CWG: An Uncommon Dialogue-- How spending more and more money on defense in times of peace only ensures the likelihood of more wars in the future and what that ridiculous amount of money could do for society as a whole if spent otherwise.
Bury Your Head In the Sand-- How the BA cut NASA's budget for monitoring climate change and put all that money into a program to get men on mars so that they can walk around on the red planet and do absolutely nothing to actually help any of us here, back on Earth.
That's obviously not all of them. But I've already taken up too much space. I want you to read the ones I've been working on for the last few days too. I have ADD, so I know how hard it is to sustain interest when there are too many words inbetween pictures.
One of the points of this blog was to somehow influence the next election... and here it is. I know it's like throwing a pebble into the Pacific, but if I can get ONE of you to vote who weren't originally planning on it, all this time and research has been worth it. I've doubled my voting power and that's all that matters. Thanks for reading.
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