Comedy For The Peanut Sized Brain

Fox News is unveiling their new anti-Daily Show, weekly comedy program this Sunday called The Half Hour News Hour. It must be good, the funny is right there in the title. Oh, those right wingers and their wacky humor...
I'm not a comedian, but I think I know funny when I see it. (Conan O'Brien funny, Carlos Mencia not) Judging by this preview through Fox News online, this show looks like a steaming pile of right wing excrement. This is all you republican comedians could come up with? In economic terms, the lack of quality seen here is probably directly due to the overall lack of human resource in right wing comedic writers. There are no republican comedians; only Dennis Miller and that 'git er done' guy. The point is, Fox News and entertainment geared specifically towards a demographic of observably humor-disabled people, will naturally never be funny. (faux news viewers, not republicans... necessarily)
Case in point, here's a segment of one of the show's promos:
"our new show... may offend the following. The left, the far-left, in fact anyone standing to the left, gay penguins, lawyers, the ACLU, anyone who has the letters ACLU in their name, democrats, people who voted for democrats, people who know democrats, gay penguins... finally theres a show for the rest of us... an equal opportunity offender... illegal aliens, space aliens! Tom Cruise!"
That's right, they said gay penguins twice. Double the funny.
Yes, the Daily Show is my favorite show. But I'm not mad at Fox News for ripping it off. It'll be fun just laughing at what they're laughing about. Openly stating that your show will specifically offend lefties and then going on to say your show is an "equal opportunity offender"... only on the Fair and Balanced Channel.
The show was created by a guy named Joel Surnow, also the creator of the hit Fox show '24'... famous for its fear inducing, torture endorsing story lines and generally warped view of reality and human nature. Surnow smokes cigars with Rush Limbaugh in his off-time and is a self proclaimed "right-wing nut". No surprises there. In Surnow's own words:
“Every American wishes we had someone out there quietly taking care of business.It’s a deep, dark ugly world out there... It would be nice to have a secret government that can get the answers and take care of business—even kill people. Jack Bauer fulfills that fantasy.”Fantasizing about killing people, hmmm. At least he's honest about being a nut.
UPDATE: The Half Hour News Hour uses a laugh track. Just the fact that this show is being even slightly compared to The Daily Show and Colbert Report is an insult.
Apparently Bob Cesca at Huffington felt the same way, and there's a youtube link for the preview there too. I also added a link for the promo and changed the link for the preview. When something is this bad, it's fun to watch.
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