Thursday, December 21, 2006

Irrational Hatred For George W. Bush

I've read a lot about supposed "irrational hatred for George Bush" on right wing blogs. Many right wingers make accusations of liberal americans being afflicted with borderline mental illnesses in regard to their hatred for the president. I can truly respect the character of neo-conservatives and their opinions, but when it comes to this neo-con, whatever tiny bit of respect I've ever had for him gradually dissapears day by day. He is so incredibly stubborn, so condescending, so oblivious to anyones opinion but his own that he deserves no ones respect.

Maybe I pay too close attention to the Presidents body language, the way he shrugs off the deaths of thousands of Americans in a war that he started, the way he chuckles everytime he talks about "victory" there, the completely over-simplified language he uses as if he assumes his audience and average americans all have the underdeveloped minds of 5 year olds.

I put together a little collection of videos that make me laugh when I'm feeling down about the state of the union... but, then again, they only feed the frustration.

Stay the Course video -- "we've never been stay-the-course!"

Bush vs. Bush on Foreign Policy -- daily show clip featuring clips of President Bush arguing Governor of Texas Bush about being an "arrogant nation" and the bad side of using force in "nation building".

Bush's Genius Speechwriter -- you have to watch this.

"I know the human being, and fish can co-exist peacefully."

"Fool me once.... shame on, shame on you. Fool me can't get fooled again."

Bush on Tribunal Sovereignty

State of the Union Address -- may be slightly edited

"Our first goal is to show utter contempt for the environment. I have sent you a comprehensive energy plan to devastate communities, kill wildlife and burn away millions of acres of treasured forests."

Colbert Roasting the President at Correspondents Dinner -- something that will never be allowed to happen ever again in the history of the United States of America.

"I believe that the goverment that governs best is the government that governs least, and by these standards, we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq. I believe in pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, I believe it is possible. I saw this guy do it once in Cirque De Soliel... it was magical! And though I am a committed Christian, I believe that everyone has the right to their own religion, be you hindu, jewish or muslim. I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.... most of all, I believe in this President."

I don't hate him for his stupidity... I hate him for being so stupid, and yet at the same time thinking that he's smarter than you and me. Is that so irrational? I guess it all depends on your definition of the word and whether or not you think he's really... really stupid.


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