America to the Rescue!

This is a must see. I was watching the Daily Show last night and I couldn't wait to post this clip. You always hear the phrase, 'the enemy of my enemy is my freind'. If the U.S. interventionist-style foreign policy of the middle east had a catch phrase, that would be it. Jon takes you through a very brief summary of how we've permanently focked up (thats right, i said focked) the region by covertly and overtly meddling in their political affairs for 50 years. Watch it!
- Of course it's on Crooks and Liars... where else?
*It's not that I've run out of adjectives to describe how incredibly screwed up our country's policies have become... there's just no better words to convey how stupid and horrible they are than the dirtiest, filthiest words in the english language. Plus, according to the friggin' FCC (as peter from family guy would put it) it's okay to say the word 'focker' on television, so I figured it'd be alright to put it on a blog that no one reads.
Well said.
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