Drug-Addled Gas Bag Rush Limbaugh
Media Matters and MoveOn.org are reviled by conservatives because........ sorry I couldn't finish that sentence. Really, there is no good reason. Cons hate them because they're becoming more and more relevant within the political arena everyday. The scandal about the Petreaus/Betray-Us ad is a great example of how right-leaning the mainstream media news coverage has actually become. There is no scandal; General Petreaus was hired by the President for one thing and one thing only: to support His stance on the war, no matter how extravagantly the general had to fudge the numbers on statistics to make it look better than it actually is.
I can understand how some people might find publicly shaming an active general offensive, but it's nothing compared to the things that are spewed daily on the radio to millions of voters by conservative blowhards like Rush Limbaugh. Here's the difference:
MoveOn's attack is grounded in cold hard facts. For example, if you're shot from the front anywhere on your body in Iraq and you're killed, it's not compiled in the military's database as a sectarian death. Even if you're a Sunni, and you're shot by Shiite militiamen because of your ethnicity... still not a 'sectarian death'. If you're shot in the back of the head however, you're the victim of 'sectarian violence'. This is just another way to delay the inevitable withdrawal, and confuse politicians. It's a desperate attempt to put lipstick on a pig. Petreaus isn't God, he's an employee of the president, and he isn't infallible. Look for more examples of fudging the numbers on Iraq in this article from the washingtonpost.
On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh just this week said this on the air: (Via Media Matters)
Democrats "want to get us out of Iraq, but they can't wait to get us into Darfur," Limbaugh said.
He continued: "There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur? It's black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc, they're in trouble."
A caller responded, "The black population," to which Limbaugh said, "Right."
Limbaugh didn't stop there -- he continued by politicizing Democrats' support of Nelson Mandela's fight against South African apartheid:
"...So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela -- who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing."
Rush Limbaugh's attack on Mandela and his attempt to exploit race, the ongoing Darfur genocide, and past apartheid in South Africa for political gain is deeply disturbing. To bring politics into these horrible human tragedies is beyond the pale, even for Limbaugh.
Limbaugh is once again using his position as the most prominent
conservative voice in America to exploit race and tragedy as a political weapon.-----------------------
Agreed. These statements are not grounded in fact, not unlike 99% of the other statements Limbaugh makes on his show. They're racist, and beyond all reason and logic. God I hate that guy.
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