Forgot to post some pics from my cabin trip last weekend. I didn't want to post another rant today because I didn't want anyone who visits my blog to miss the CwG post from yesterday. The message in it is too important and too meaningful to me to just continue posting and have it fade into obscurity with all my other old posts that nobody reads. I know what I'll be blogging about tomorrow, which is politicizing american security. Gotta run; Wu Tang and I Self Divine are at First Ave. tonight and I'm having a close encounter with Method Man, Gza, Rza, Ghostface Killa, and the rest of the shaolin. Wow, am I going to feel out of place... should be fun. I'll probably be the only one there who owns less than 6 wu tang clan cds. (yes i listen to the wu, you'd be surprised how diverse my music listening habits are) Have a fun weekend everyone, I know I will.
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